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As it stands, Cubans who leave by raft or boat are sent back to Cuba if they are intercepted before they reach U.S. soil. If they do reach U.S. soil they are allowed to stay in the U.S. Do you agree or disagree with this policy?

For each question the univariate tabulation is shown first, followed by crosstabulations with age, year left Cuba, born in or outside of Cuba, and registered voter status.

Each tabulation is repeated twice, once with and once without don't know, refuse to answer, and not asked (skipped). In some tables those are indicated by abbreviations .d, .n, and . respectively.

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |
reach shore                      |     column
                           agree |       63.3
                        disagree |       36.7
                           Total |      100.0
  Key:  column    =  column percentage

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |
reach shore                      |     column
                           agree |       60.6
                        disagree |       35.1
                      don't know |        3.3
                     no response |        0.9
                           Total |      100.0
  Key:  column    =  column percentage

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |               four age categories               
reach shore                      |    18-39     40-59     60-75  76 & old     Total
                           agree |     68.4      64.0      59.7      56.1      63.1
                        disagree |     31.6      36.0      40.3      43.9      36.9
                           Total |    100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0
  Key:  column percentage

    Uncorrected   chi2(3)         =    7.0502
    Design-based  F(2.59, 2430.90)=    2.0404     P = 0.1155

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |                    four age categories                    
reach shore                      |    18-39     40-59     60-75  76 & old         .     Total
                           agree |     66.0      61.1      56.9      53.9      66.7      60.6
                        disagree |     30.5      34.4      38.4      42.2      23.2      35.1
                      don't know |      3.4       2.4       4.2       3.4      10.1       3.3
                     no response |      0.0       2.1       0.6       0.6       0.0       0.9
                           Total |    100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0
  Key:  column percentage

    Uncorrected   chi2(12)        =   19.5042
    Design-based  F(10.33, 10320.04)=    1.6176   P = 0.0921

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |             year left Cuba            
reach shore                      | Pre-1980  1980-199  1995-201     Total
                           agree |     58.6      57.2      71.2      63.9
                        disagree |     41.4      42.8      28.8      36.1
                           Total |    100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0
  Key:  column percentage

    Uncorrected   chi2(2)         =   15.4336
    Design-based  F(1.96, 1629.10)=    6.8057     P = 0.0012

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |                       year left Cuba                      
reach shore                      | Pre-1980  1980-199  1995-201         .    refuse     Total
                           agree |     55.2      55.8      68.7      57.3      69.0      60.6
                        disagree |     39.0      41.7      27.8      37.4      31.0      35.1
                      don't know |      4.8       1.5       2.2       5.2       0.0       3.3
                     no response |      1.1       1.0       1.3       0.0       0.0       0.9
                           Total |    100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0
  Key:  column percentage

    Uncorrected   chi2(12)        =   24.8208
    Design-based  F(10.80, 10792.45)=    1.8836   P = 0.0376

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |         born in Cuba        
reach shore                      | not born   born in     Total
                           agree |     61.0      63.9      63.4
                        disagree |     39.0      36.1      36.6
                           Total |    100.0     100.0     100.0
  Key:  column percentage

    Uncorrected   chi2(1)         =    0.4941
    Design-based  F(1, 951)       =    0.3105     P = 0.5775

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |              born in Cuba             
reach shore                      | not born   born in    refuse     Total
                           agree |     57.7      61.3      26.4      60.6
                        disagree |     36.9      34.6      73.6      35.1
                      don't know |      5.3       2.9       0.0       3.3
                     no response |      0.0       1.1       0.0       0.9
                           Total |    100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0
  Key:  column percentage

    Uncorrected   chi2(6)         =    6.6151
    Design-based  F(5.32, 5317.81)=    0.9383     P = 0.4586

                                 | Are you registered 
Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |      to vote?      
reach shore                      |   Yes     No  Total
                           agree |  60.8   60.8   60.8
                        disagree |  39.2   39.2   39.2
                           Total | 100.0  100.0  100.0
  Key:  column percentage

    Uncorrected   chi2(1)         =    0.0001
    Design-based  F(1, 784)       =    0.0001     P = 0.9942

Rafter/boaters stay in US if     |                Are you registered to vote?                
reach shore                      |      Yes        No         .  don't kn  no respo     Total
                           agree |     58.2      53.6      70.4     100.0     100.0      60.6
                        disagree |     37.5      34.6      27.3       0.0       0.0      35.1
                      don't know |      3.3      11.8       1.5       0.0       0.0       3.3
                     no response |      1.0       0.0       0.9       0.0       0.0       0.9
                           Total |    100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0
  Key:  column percentage

    Uncorrected   chi2(12)        =   24.5340
    Design-based  F(8.86, 8849.06)=    1.9471     P = 0.0423

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